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William Phillips Sunset Recovery

William Phillips
October 2011

200 Signed & Numbered Paper 18" x 24" $195
75 Signed & Numbered Giclee Canvas 21" x 28" $495
25 Signed & Numbered Giclee Canvas 28" x 37" $895

October 2011 - Sunset Recovery - William Phillips

Where is the nearest carrier? is often the first question from a President when a crisis erupts overseas. A powerful
instrument of diplomacy and military might, the Navy’s carrier battle group has been the United State’s
reaction-force-of-choice since World War II.Collectors, naval and aviation enthusiasts all react in a similar fashion
when William S. Phillips turns his painter’s eye on these seagoing airfields. All eight of his previous Fine
Art Editions featuring carriers have Sold Out at the Publisher and are only available on the secondary market.

“An aircraft carrier is exciting beyond belief,” beams Phillips. “It’s the tip of the spear and it operates that way.
It’s dangerous and it’s exciting. Nothing is static. Their size is phenomenal. The sense of mission and
camaraderie from the engine room to the flight crews is inspiring. For the rest of my life, I’ll jump at the
chance to get on one whenever I can.

“In the late 1970s, I had the chance to deploy on the USS 'Kitty Hawk' (CV 63) out of San Diego, but this scene
could be anywhere in the world because sunsets are universal at sea. Coming on board a carrier is tough
no matter what time of day it is. They call flight operations at this time 'Pink Ops.' Technically, it is a night
operations, but I’ll tell you, landing in any kind of daylight beats coming aboard before absolute dark. The
CAP aircraft, both coming in and going out, are early versions of the F-14.”

There is a Fine Art Edition of "Sunset Recovery" for every type of collector. There is a special and very
limited over-sized 37" x 28" MasterWork™ Giclée Canvas edition of only 25 pieces. A more moderately
sized yet beautiful 28" x 21" Fine Art Giclée Canvas and a traditional Fine Art Giclée Paper at 24" x 18"
are also available. Don’t miss out on your opportunity to own one of William S. Phillips much
admired aircraft carrier editions.

Sunset Recovery - William Phillips


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October 2011 - Sunset Recovery - William Phillips