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William Phillips The Hunter becomes the Hunted

William Phillips

75 Signed & Numbered Giclee Canvas 16" x 32" $495
15 Signed & Numbered Giclee Canvas 24" x 48" Email-price
Artist Proof Limited Edition Print 17.5" x 35" $450

March 2013 - The Hunter Becomes the Hunted - William Phillips

Target: Berlin. It was March 6, 1944 and B-17s and B-24s of the Mighty 8th Air
Forces’ 1st, 2nd and 3rd Air Divisions streamed into a ninety-four-mile wave to
attack Berlin. Among the massed bombers, the 100th Bomb Group (H) manned
20 B-17s flying at 21,000 feet, 200 miles west of Berlin. There, twenty-one
Fw-190s bored in with deadly accuracy, downing fifteen Flying Fortresses into
the fields below. Half of the crewmembers aboard the fallen bombers perished;
the rest were imprisoned.

Recklessly, one Focke-Wulf pilot, Oberleutnant Wolfgang Kretschmer, turned to attack
the remaining B-17s alone and he, in turn, became the target of eight escorting P47
Thunderbolts of the 56th Fighter Group, the “Wolf Pack” led by Colonel Hub Zemke.
Fighters dove and shot him down. Although injured and badly burned, Oberleutnant
Kretschmer survived. It was the worst single day of air warfare for the 8th Air Force.
Sixty-nine U.S. heavy bombers and eleven escort fighters were lost.

But air warfare was about the bold acts of individuals who risked their lives daily and
"The Hunter Becomes the Hunted" conveys how quickly the fates of war can turn. This
Phillips aviation art classic is finally available as an Anniversary Edition, and for a select
few, as a very limited and very stunning, oversized MasterWork™ Fine Art Canvas.


The Hunter Becomes The Hunted - William Phillips


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The Hunter Becomes The Hunted - William Phillips