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It's November of 1943 and these are two Douglas SBD-5's from Squadron VB-12 of the USS "Saratoga." They are starting Operation Cherryblossom - a maneuver which signaled the beginning of the end of the war in the Pacific. Vice Admiral William F. "Bull" Halsey was the commander and it was a masterful attack. While the Marines raided Choiseul, a nearby island, American bombers softened the defenses at Bougainville in preparation. Within two months, the Allies had turned Bourgainville's Empress Augusta Bay into a naval base. Although the fighting continued for six months, the Allies were victorious, paving the way for General Douglas MacArthur's return to the Phillippines.
Halsey's Surprise - Craig Kodera -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Art Country Canada
Rocky Mountain Art Gallery
729 Main Street
Canmore , Alberta
T1W 2B2
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Banff National Park - Art Gallery
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Banff 403-678-4456