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""To commemorate the 50th Anniversay of the Battle of Britain and to pay tribute to the brave men and women who saved Britain from its darkest hour, I painted 'A Moment's Peace.' In the painting, Supermarine Spitfire Mark 1s of 610 Squadron, County of Chester, are flying the first patrol of the day as the sun rises and breaks through from behind the cloud layer. The following words of an anonymous English RAF Flight Lieutenant best capture the tone of the times and the nature of those who put their lives on the line." "Thinking now of those days, I find that what remains most clearly in my memory is not the sweating strain of the actual fighting, not the hurried meals, the creeping from bed at dawn, not even the loss of one's friends; but rather the stolen moments of peace in the middle of all this pandemonium - the heat haze lying lazily over the airfield while we sat munching a piece of grass, waiting to take off; that curiously lovely moment of twilight after the last Spitfire had landed, after the last engine had been switched off and before the first night fighter took to the air, the first searchlight split the darkness and the first wail of the siren was heard again - the moment when the evening lay spread out against the sky, giving for an instant a mocking glimpse of stillness and peace before night fell suddenly like a curtain and the whole hideous cacophony of war broke out afresh."
- A Moment's Peace - Craig Kodera --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Art Country Canada
Rocky Mountain Art Gallery
729 Main Street
Canmore , Alberta
T1W 2B2
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Banff National Park - Art Gallery
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Banff 403-678-4456